Hello World, this is me... boom!

What a day to be alive, and what a time to start a blog! Within this still surreal COVID experience and suddenly faced with loads of spare time, I felt I couldn't hold on to my thoughts any longer, they needed a way out!

I do have loads to say (as always, and as everyone who knows me knows I do!) but now, finally faced with this clean slate it's tricky to know where to start! 😶

I will let my thoughts take their course, so be ready for a bit of a rollercoaster ride! 🙋🙆

If you know me you might know I'm quite methodical and organised (glimpses of the scientist in me), yet I’m also extremely energetic, bouncy and loud (or so I’m often told!).

There are no grey scales with me, definitely none! Instead, there are loads of different colours rushing and gushing around, intense excitement and wonderful, positive feelings 😁! Tropical aromas, jiggly melodies and loads of smiles! Warm thoughts and feelings; a sense of goodness and kindness being my most essential compass in life 💗!

I don’t yet know what shape will this blog take as time goes by.

The only thing I do know at this point is that I want to share my most authentic feelings and thoughts, as I turn myself inside out!

Thanks for reading!



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