Will these testing times give us insightful learnings?
Did you ever wonder, in pre COVID times, how it would feel to live in a small and quiet village? I faced this question a couple of times before, and each time I thought to myself "there's no way I can be in a quiet town, I'm a city girl, I need the noise, the people, the speedy lifestyle. A quiet village would be SO boring ! " Well… then COVID happened. We were all forced to stay at home and drastically change our lifestyle . We had to stop planning our weekends and to forget about our future gatherings, outside commitments and social events. I was suddenly confronted with LOADS of spare time, not only from the cancelled gatherings but because I stopped going through my daily miserable, stressful and crammed commute! Actually, I didn’t have to get myself ready for work nor did I have to take my packed lunches with me, no gym bag to carry …plus, I suddenly had MUCH more time to sleep! (Also… talk about warm homemade breakfasts and "day pyjamas") ...